Wüstenrot Bauspardarlehen

Your Way To Your Dream Home.

Make An Appointment

Find the Right Building Loan For You!

Relax and enjoy fixed interest rates. Or remain flexible and receive regularly adjusted interest rates with a variable interest rate.

Whether you decide in favour of a fixed interest rate for 5, 10 or 20 years or a variable loan: With Wüstenrot, you can rely on attractive home financing.
Ideal for building, buying, renovating, refurbishing or modernising
Up to 20 years fixed interest rate or variable interest rate
Individual instalment structure

Instalment Plan For Your Loan¹

Flat rate instalment
The total amount to be repaid is divided evenly over the individual months of the loan term.
Graduated instalment
A low initial instalment that increases gradually over the years, as agreed when the loan agreement is concluded.
Flexible instalment
Individually customisable instalment agreed when the loan is taken out, the amount of which varies (a reduction in the instalment amount can also be agreed).

Mein ZuhauseDarlehen Fix² or Flexible³

Fixed Rate Loan5, 10 or 20 years fixed
Benefit from stable interest rate security over a fixed period.
Variable LoanThe interest rate adjusts constantly to current market conditions.
Repayment types¹You can choose between three different instalment models: Flat rate, graduated rate and flexible rate.

Are You Looking For a Suitable Loan For Your Housing Project?

Book an appointment online now or call us free of charge on 0800 88 66 00.

Mein VorzugsDarlehen In Three Variants

For large families with at least three children to care for, there is the option of applying for Mein VorzugsDarlehen SOCIAL4.
In addition, a Mein VorzugsDarlehen BARRIER-FREE4 can be granted for the financing of remodelling measures due to a disability, provided appropriate proof is available.
In addition, an Mein VorzugsDarlehen ECO4 can be granted to finance energy-saving measures (e.g. new windows, thermal insulation/facade on the house, new heating, new roof, etc.) if the financed property is demonstrably older than 12 years.
Mein VorzugsDarlehen (all three variants) is a subsidised additional loan of up to 10% of the building loan secured by the land register (max. €5,000).
¹ All of these variants are monthly flat rate instalments that include capital, interest and costs. If the borrowing rate changes, the amount of the flat rate instalments is adjusted (increased or decreased) so that the total amount payable by the borrower is paid at the end of the agreed term.

² Wüstenrot Mein ZuhauseDarlehen|5year-Fix is a building loan with land register collateralisation and a 5-year fixed interest period. Wüstenrot Mein ZuhauseDarlehen|10year-Fix is a building loan with land register collateralisation and a 10-year fixed interest period. Wüstenrot Mein ZuhauseDarlehen|20year-Fix is a building loan with land register collateralisation and a 20-year fixed interest period.

³ Mein ZuhauseDarlehen|Flexibel is a building loan with land register collateralisation with a variable interest rate.

4 Mein VorzugsDarlehen (ÖKO, Barrierefrei, Sozial) is not a building society loan but another type of cash loan to building society savers, which the building society is authorised to grant in accordance with § 2 para. 1 no. 2 lit b) of the Building Societies Act. Mein VorzugsDarlehen may only be granted in conjunction with a building society loan with security. Mein VorzugsDarlehen can be granted in the amount of EUR 1,000 to EUR 5,000 per household or a maximum of 10% of the amount of the loan collateralised by the land register. Mein VorzugsDarlehen cannot be granted in conjunction with a building loan or a loan without collateral.

DenizBank AG acts as a tipster. For enquiries about the contract or similar, please contact Bausparkasse Wüstenrot AG on 057070 - 777.