Flexibles Jugendbausparen

With Wüstenrot Flexibles Jugendbausparen, youths under 26 have the opportunity to save for their wishes for a maturity of six years.

Your Advantages

Attractive starting interest rate of 4.5 % * for the first 12 months. After that interest rates will be adjusted to interest rate developments.
Tax-free public building savings premium for a payment of max. Euro 1,200 per year (2023: 1.5%).
Free availability of your total deposit after 6 years of maturity.
Save monthly or annually

An Example in Numbers

You pay monthly 100 Euro, Total savings in 6 years 
7,200.00 Euro
+ 4,5 %* interest rate for the first 12 months, then market-driven interest rates
+ Tax-free public building savings premium
= Maximum-Balance after 6 years **
8,462.00 Euro
= Minimum-Balance after 6 years ***
7,332.00 Euro
Wüstenrot Earnings Table-Flexibles Jugendbausparen (German)
Denizbank Jugendbausparen
For more information or an appointment please get in contact with us. Call our Contact Center 0800 88 66 00 or visit one of our branches. We will be happy to assist you!
Important Legal Information and Footnotes (in German)